emily, nineteen

Sunday 20 June 2010

Paris, je t'aime

So instead of geography revision, which is a total bore, I'm completely distracted by my trip to paris with joshua next week. I have never been to paris, I'm seriously over excited and i have already bought a ridiculously impractical vintage suitcase which is the pictures below. Really should stop daydreaming and get on with plate tectonic processes, but whats the fun in that. Remind me why geography was a good idea again?


  1. These are all so amazingly lovely!

  2. Oh, I dream of going to Paris! One day I'll make it over seas and see europe...ahh.

    Is this your first trip to Paris? These pictures are so beautiful! I love your suitcase, when a suitcase is as adorable as that it doesn't even matter if it's practical. Have a wonderful time!

  3. Dreaming of paris is geography right?
    Paris is beautiful, i want to visit soon.
    And i would take a wonderful suitcase like yours. It's part of the parisian dream :)


  4. I'm a complete paris newbie! and france for that matter, but i have wanted to go for so longg. It was my birthday present from my boyfriend, amazingg. I'm determined to lug the suitcase about i don't care how heavy it will be:) thank you for the wonderful comments. x
